FU Jen Picture

Mission Statement

Fu Jen Catholic University is an academic community of students and teachers closely associated in fostering the growth of the whole person, on the basis of Truth, Goodness, Beauty and Holiness. Fu Jen is committed to the integration of Chinese culture and Christian faith; with the spirit of Christian love, we dedicate ourselves to academic research and promotion of genuine knowledge, to the sustainable development of society and the common good of humanity in order to achieve harmony in the true knowledge of the self, the world and God. 


1. Human Dignity
We affirm the dignity of every human person, and respect all basic human rights.

2. Meaning of Life
We promote the search for the meaning of life and the nurturing of an integrated value system.

3. Teaching and Research
We adhere to academic freedom and professional ethics, and aim at the integration of inter-disciplinary knowledge.

4. Solidarity and Care
We develop balanced relationships between ourselves and others, and together strive to build a culture of care.

5. Dialogue Among Cultures
We advance interaction between Chinese and other cultures, and cultivate the spirit of humanism.

6. Religious Spirit
We encourage faculty and students to acquire a deeper knowledge of the Christian faith, and facilitate intellectual, spiritual and interreligious dialogue and collaboration.

7. Spirit of Service
We seek to develop a spirit of compassion, and undertake an active commitment to justice which leads to international solidarity.