

【學術講座 - How to achieve academic excellence?】Uni...

2019-04-28• 演講、研討會、教育訓練



【演講主題】How to achieve academic excellence?

【主講人】Prof. Brian Oldenburg(University of Melbourne, School of Population and Global Health)
Professor and Chair, NCD (Noncommunicable disease) Prevention & Control and
Head, WHO Collaborating Centre on Implementation Research for Prevention & Control of NCDs

【主講人簡介】Prof. Brian has authored and co-authored more than 350 publications and major (inter)national reports and book chapters, including over 240 peer-reviewed journal articles. He got Honorary Professorships in Asia, including Public Health Foundation of India, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Beijing Centre for Disease Control, Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has been an advisor to the World Health Organization and many other (inter)national NGOs and governments for public health, health systems and health policy issues.

【時間】108年05月22日 星期三 15:30-17:30


【報名方式】輔大活動管理系統線上報名(活動ID: 27507),報名至1080521中午12:00止,或額滿為止。

