
Office of Academic Affairs

About Us
A university education is about developing talent, and teaching is the key to achieving that goal. Our staff at the Office of Academic Affairs is dedicated to enhancing teaching quality and boosting learning outcomes. To achieve these ends, the office is divided into six administrative sections: the Registrar, the Curriculum Division, the Admissions Office, the Faculty Development and Instructional Resources Center, the Foreign Language Resource Center for Teaching and Learning, and the Creative Design Center. 
Together, colleagues from each section work to offer faculty and students a diverse, high-quality learning environment. Our staff strives to enhance teaching quality and boost learning outcomes by planning and implementing specific initiatives aimed at realizing the medium and long-term goals of the university as well as those of the MOE’s Higher Education Development Program. The Office of Academic Affairs has a proud history of staying on top of the latest developments, uniting FJCU’s many academic programs in the pursuit of a common purpose, and creating and promoting far-sighted educational policies. 

The Registrar provides the following services: 
1. Overseeing student enrollment; 
2. Managing student registration;
3. Processing applications to defer admission; 
4. Issuing Student ID cards; 
5. Handling course waivers and credit transfers; 
6. Processing applications to change majors; 
7. Processing applications to declare a minor/double major or enroll in credit programs; 
8. Processing leaves of absence, withdrawal from studies, expulsion, or transfer to another university; 
9. Making changes to names or dates of birth in university records;
10. Producing and awarding certificates and degrees; and 
11. 11. Managing the automated service system (used to print transcripts and attendance records). 

★ Registrar Regulations

★ Registrar Application Forms

Curriculum Division

The Curriculum Division provides the following services:
The Curriculum Division provides the following services:
1. Managing course selection and registration;
2. Organizing summer courses;
3. Managing course registration procedures for FJCU students at partner universities as part of study abroad programs, student exchange programs, and international programs;
4. Convening meetings of the Curriculum Committee;
5. Producing and issuing certificates of teaching experience;
6. Scheduling the use of classrooms;
7. Arranging make-up classes;
8. Appointing members to examining committees for the oral defense of master’s theses or doctoral dissertations;
9. Scheduling and arranging mid-term, final, and graduation examinations.

★ Curriculum Division Regulations

★ Curriculum Division Application Forms

Admissions Office
The Admissions Office provides the following services:

1. Printing admission brochures and promotional materials;
2. Organizing educational fairs and recruitment activities;
3. Guiding groups of high school students on campus tours;
4. Hosting information seminars at high schools in Taiwan;
5. Promoting the recruitment of international students and processing applications from overseas Chinese students and students from mainland China;
6. Designing admission brochures and drafting regulations for admission;
7. Managing entrance examinations, including registration and posting examination results;
8. Compiling and analyzing data on admitted students;
9. Providing financial incentives to recruit students and produce promotional materials;
10. Handling other matters related to admission and recruitment. 


Faculty Development and Instructional Resources Center
The Faculty Development and Instructional Resources Center provides the following services:
1. Holding workshops for new faculty members aimed at boosting teaching capacity and professional development as well as introducing the mentoring system for faculty;
2. Hosting activities aimed at professional growth and networking for faculty;
3. Encouraging the sharing of teaching experience;
4. Offering professional video recording services for lectures and classroom activities;
5. Training teaching assistants and hosting capacity building workshops;
6. Promoting the Higher Education Development Program;
7. Managing teaching evaluations.

Foreign Language Resource Center for Teaching and Learning

Foreign Language Resource Center for Teaching and Learning provides the following services:
1. Creating comprehensive plans for all software and facilities on campus which are used in foreign language learning as well as managing language labs;
2. Providing technology and equipment required for foreign language distance learning courses and other online courses;
3. Helping instructors boost teaching quality and learning outcomes by incorporating educational technology and resources into their pedagogical practices;
4. Promoting the role of multimedia technology in foreign language learning;
5. Providing a rich variety of language resources for self-learners;
6. Expanding audiovisual collections and the circulation of materials for foreign language learning.

Creative Design Center
The Creative Design Center provides the following services:
1. Transforming campus into an Innovative Designers Ecosystem through a fusion of healthcare, medicine, and design;
2. Offering the InfoMotion Graphics microprogram;
3. Offering the Somatosensory Interactive Design program;
4. Hosting activities, lectures, workshops, and collaborative initiatives with industry to stimulate students’ creativity and ensure that what they learn here is what they use in their professional career;
5. Providing Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) labs; creating a smart campus and helping FJCU pursue its goals of greater development into the realms of design and medicine;
6. Promoting the Innovative Designers Platform to showcase Fu Jen’s design energies to the world;
7. Offering a VR environment and Somatosensory Wall;
8. Running the 3D printing center to reduce the gap between design and production.